Holy Fire Publishing: ISBN: 978-1-60383-279-3 
E-book available from Powell’s Books: ISBN10: 1603832793


An introduction and definitions of some of the “labels” used by those involved in the creation-evolution debate. Both evolutionist and Creationist are being manipulated like puppets on a string – by whom, why?

Part 1 Creationism

Chapter 1 In the Beginning

This chapter takes the first chapter and part of the second chapter of Genesis, verse by verse, and considers what it exactly says and does not say. Many interpretations (as discussed in the second chapter) read things into these verses that are not there. In some cases, the verses support evolution and in some cases, recent scientific discoveries support the Bible.

Chapter 2 Types of Creationism

There is no consensus among Christian theologians regarding the interpretation of the Genesis creation account. The 6 major positions are discussed with comments regarding the pros and cons for each.

Chapter 3 Creationism is Poor Science

Of all the Creationist positions, only Intelligent Design has directly challenged the science of evolution by natural selection and has a chance of meeting the courts’ conditions for inclusion in the school science curriculum. A detailed description of the scientific method is presented and then Intelligent Design is evaluated to determine if it meets the standards of the scientific community. It does not.

Chapter 4 Creationism is Poor Theology

The Christian community is divided on exactly what interpretation is to be given to the Genesis account of creation and has approached the challenge with vigor and emotion – but not with a Bible-based approach. A brief history of challenges to the Church is given and the results when man is diverted from a Spirit-guided mission (evangelism). How Jesus, the apostles, and the early Church met similar challenges is discussed with a comparison to how Christians are responding to Evolutionism. The conclusion is that we are making the same mistakes that the “Political”, Philosophical” and “Social” Churches have made. Also discussed is the backlash effect of creation activism.

Part 2 Evolutionism

Chapter 5 A History and Description of Evolution

This chapter traces the development of the evolution hypothesis from Darwin to the current scientific positions. Each element of the development is compared to the scientific method discussed in Chapter 3. It is shown that, at this point, evolution has failed to produce any experimental data (step 4 of the scientific method) to support the hypothesis and, in fact, proponents are still tinkering with the hypothesis itself. Also discuss is how Darwin successfully won acceptance of his hypothesis even when the majority of legitimate scientists at the time strongly disagreed with his methods and conclusions. Interestingly, this process is continuing today.

Chapter 6 Probably Improbable but We Believe

Using data from the atheistic proponents of natural selection evolution, this chapter considers all the factors involved with the establishment of our universe, solar system, the Earth and Moon, and the trillions of steps necessary for the evolutionary process to result in you and me. Four major steps in evolution, for which scientist admit they have no answers, are discussed in detail. In the final analysis, it is determined that the odd are 1 to 1 followed by 83 zeros AGAINST for humans to exist without divine intervention.

Chapter 7 If Not Science What Is It

In this chapter we show that evolution, as promoted by the Evolutionists is more of a philosophy than a science and that the Evolutionist has mixed the science of evolution and the philosophy of secular humanism to implement a specific agenda. The question is: Whose philosophy is using evolution as a tool?

Part 3 Know the Foe

Chapter 8 The Pirates

This chapter discusses the nature and development of secular humanism and its growing influence in modern societies throughout the world. Evolution is the cornerstone of the Secular Humanist movement. Atheistic philosophers were quick to adapt the concept of evolution by natural selection because it solved a serious problem for the atheist – how did we get here if there is no God. Even though the evolution hypothesis was not well established by scientific standards, the Humanists are promoting it as though it was fact. Several court cases are discussed in which the Humanists, usually represented by the ACLU, were successful in eliminating any mention of creation in the school classroom.

Chapter 9 Flatlanders

This chapter used the metaphor in the book Flatland by Edwin Abbott to show the inconsistency in applying the scientific method and restrictive empirical thinking to things spiritual. It also shows the Christian why entering into argument to prove the existence of God are futile and are self-defeating. Christians need to focus on the Word and let the Holy Spirit do his work.

Chapter 10 Of Friends and Foes

This chapter discusses how both the evolutionary scientist and the Christian have a common foe, Secular Humanism. The Evolutionist has mixed science with atheistic philosophy to further the Secular Humanist agenda. Opposition in the academic world is suppressed and the legitimate scientist who does raise doubts publicly may find his tenure track blocked and his articles rejected by the professional journals. The Christian is enduring objectionable moral and theological ideas taught in the classrooms. A Plan of Action is proposed to allow all parties to live in harmony.

Chapter 11 The Inevitable tide

In this chapter a discussion is included showing how the Secular Humanism agenda is taking our society back to the moral climate of ancient Rome. Numerous scriptures are cited that indicate that in the last days that is exactly what will happen. So what should the Christian community focus on in this climate of moral polarization and increasing opposition?

Chapter 12 Community

The public schools and society in general are contaminated with anti-creation and a secular morality. At the same time, our schools are deteriorating and the students are no longer competitive globally. With the support of the courts, this condition is here to stay. How can the Christian community not just cope with this condition, but thrive in its evangelism? A new paradigm is suggested, based on the early Church.

A Final Word

Humanists are today using the same tactics that were used to push Darwinism 150 years ago to further their agenda of establishing a world government.

Appendix 1 Classification of Organisms

Appendix 2 Genetics

Appendix 3 Human Manifesto
